Friday, August 05, 2005

Ode To My TV

It sits there on top of its stand
It brings me things from far away
and from lands that in I will never stand.
To see it's visions I have to pay
A cable fee that I can more than stand.

My TV is a thing of wonder and bliss
That I don't think I could ever diss1.

My TV o My TV is one of wonder
With out it I would be bored
And might be forced to travel yonder
To find the things that are Ord
Dinary to other who don't ponder
Like the great big giant gourd
On the great big wide world of Wonder.

What more can I say today
But I watch it every day
Sometimes on my birthday
Like any other day
In the month of May2.

1 - Author's Note : I understand that the word "diss" may not
be a properly recognized word by the creators of MSWordtm. But
I feel in order to keep close to the heart and soul of this poem I have to
resort to such "street" language. I must "keep it real" to myself,
my loyal audience, and the poem.

2 - Author's Note : My birthday isn't actually in May, but
I felt I could take a bit of artistic license so that the poem flowed more
naturally. By doing this I compromise the trust I have established
with the reader and I would like to make it clear that I agonized over
the decision for many hours long into the night. The decison was a hard one
and I stand by it and I feel gives the poem that much more power and authority.
I hope that the reader does not feel greatly betrayed by this deception regarding
the date of my birth. It was not my intention to deceive, but to enhance the
power and quality of the poem.


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